Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / the jucer / src / model / components / jucer_LabelHandler.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "../../properties/jucer_JustificationProperty.h"
30 #include "../../properties/jucer_FontPropertyComponent.h"
31 #include "../../properties/jucer_ComponentBooleanProperty.h"
34 //==============================================================================
35 /**
37 class LabelHandler : public ComponentTypeHandler
39 public:
40 //==============================================================================
41 LabelHandler()
42 : ComponentTypeHandler ("Label", "Label", typeid (Label), 150, 24)
44 registerColour (Label::backgroundColourId, "background", "bkgCol");
45 registerColour (Label::textColourId, "text", "textCol");
46 registerColour (Label::outlineColourId, "outline", "outlineCol");
47 registerColour (TextEditor::textColourId, "editor text", "edTextCol");
48 registerColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, "editor bkg", "edBkgCol");
49 registerColour (TextEditor::highlightColourId, "highlight", "hiliteCol");
52 //==============================================================================
53 Component* createNewComponent (JucerDocument*)
55 return new Label ("new label", "label text");
58 XmlElement* createXmlFor (Component* comp, const ComponentLayout* layout)
60 Label* const l = dynamic_cast <Label*> (comp);
62 XmlElement* e = ComponentTypeHandler::createXmlFor (comp, layout);
63 e->setAttribute ("labelText", l->getText());
65 e->setAttribute ("editableSingleClick", l->isEditableOnSingleClick());
66 e->setAttribute ("editableDoubleClick", l->isEditableOnDoubleClick());
67 e->setAttribute ("focusDiscardsChanges", l->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges());
69 e->setAttribute ("fontname", l->getProperties().getWithDefault ("typefaceName", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont).toString());
70 e->setAttribute ("fontsize", roundToInt (l->getFont().getHeight() * 100.0) / 100.0);
71 e->setAttribute ("bold", l->getFont().isBold());
72 e->setAttribute ("italic", l->getFont().isItalic());
73 e->setAttribute ("justification", l->getJustificationType().getFlags());
75 return e;
78 bool restoreFromXml (const XmlElement& xml, Component* comp, const ComponentLayout* layout)
80 Label* const l = dynamic_cast <Label*> (comp);
82 if (! ComponentTypeHandler::restoreFromXml (xml, comp, layout))
83 return false;
85 Label defaultLabel (String::empty, String::empty);
87 Font font;
88 font.setHeight ((float) xml.getDoubleAttribute ("fontsize", 15.0));
89 font.setBold (xml.getBoolAttribute ("bold", false));
90 font.setItalic (xml.getBoolAttribute ("italic", false));
91 l->setFont (font);
93 l->getProperties().set ("typefaceName", xml.getStringAttribute ("fontname", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont));
94 updateLabelFont (l);
96 l->setJustificationType (Justification (xml.getIntAttribute ("justification", Justification::centred)));
98 l->setText (xml.getStringAttribute ("labelText", "Label Text"), false);
100 l->setEditable (xml.getBoolAttribute ("editableSingleClick", defaultLabel.isEditableOnSingleClick()),
101 xml.getBoolAttribute ("editableDoubleClick", defaultLabel.isEditableOnDoubleClick()),
102 xml.getBoolAttribute ("focusDiscardsChanges", defaultLabel.doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges()));
104 return true;
107 static void updateLabelFont (Label* label)
109 Font f (label->getFont());
110 f = FontPropertyComponent::applyNameToFont (label->getProperties().getWithDefault ("typefaceName", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont), f);
111 label->setFont (f);
114 const String getCreationParameters (Component* component)
116 Label* const l = dynamic_cast <Label*> (component);
118 return quotedString (component->getName())
119 + ",\n"
120 + quotedString (l->getText());
123 void fillInCreationCode (GeneratedCode& code, Component* component, const String& memberVariableName)
125 ComponentTypeHandler::fillInCreationCode (code, component, memberVariableName);
127 Label* const l = dynamic_cast <Label*> (component);
129 String s;
131 s << memberVariableName << "->setFont ("
132 << FontPropertyComponent::getCompleteFontCode (l->getFont(), l->getProperties().getWithDefault ("typefaceName", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont))
133 << ");\n"
134 << memberVariableName << "->setJustificationType ("
135 << justificationToCode (l->getJustificationType())
136 << ");\n"
137 << memberVariableName << "->setEditable ("
138 << boolToString (l->isEditableOnSingleClick()) << ", "
139 << boolToString (l->isEditableOnDoubleClick()) << ", "
140 << boolToString (l->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges()) << ");\n"
141 << getColourIntialisationCode (component, memberVariableName);
143 if (needsCallback (component))
144 s << memberVariableName << "->addListener (this);\n";
146 s << '\n';
148 code.constructorCode += s;
151 void fillInGeneratedCode (Component* component, GeneratedCode& code)
153 ComponentTypeHandler::fillInGeneratedCode (component, code);
155 if (needsCallback (component))
157 String& callback = code.getCallbackCode ("public LabelListener",
158 "void",
159 "labelTextChanged (Label* labelThatHasChanged)",
160 true);
162 if (callback.trim().isNotEmpty())
163 callback << "else ";
165 const String memberVariableName (code.document->getComponentLayout()->getComponentMemberVariableName (component));
166 const String userCodeComment ("UserLabelCode_" + memberVariableName);
168 callback
169 << "if (labelThatHasChanged == " << memberVariableName
170 << ")\n{\n //[" << userCodeComment << "] -- add your label text handling code here..\n //[/" << userCodeComment << "]\n}\n";
174 void getEditableProperties (Component* component, JucerDocument& document, Array <PropertyComponent*>& properties)
176 ComponentTypeHandler::getEditableProperties (component, document, properties);
178 Label* const l = dynamic_cast <Label*> (component);
179 properties.add (new LabelTextProperty (l, document));
181 properties.add (new LabelJustificationProperty (l, document));
182 properties.add (new FontNameProperty (l, document));
183 properties.add (new FontSizeProperty (l, document));
184 properties.add (new FontStyleProperty (l, document));
186 addColourProperties (component, document, properties);
188 properties.add (new LabelEditableProperty (l, document));
190 if (l->isEditableOnDoubleClick() || l->isEditableOnSingleClick())
191 properties.add (new LabelLossOfFocusProperty (l, document));
194 static bool needsCallback (Component* label)
196 return ((Label*) label)->isEditableOnSingleClick()
197 || ((Label*) label)->isEditableOnDoubleClick(); // xxx should be configurable
200 private:
202 //==============================================================================
203 class LabelTextProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Label>
205 public:
206 LabelTextProperty (Label* component_, JucerDocument& document_)
207 : ComponentTextProperty <Label> ("text", 10000, true, component_, document_)
210 void setText (const String& newText)
212 document.perform (new LabelTextChangeAction (component, *document.getComponentLayout(), newText),
213 "Change Label text");
216 const String getText() const
218 return component->getText();
221 private:
222 class LabelTextChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
224 public:
225 LabelTextChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const String& newState_)
226 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
227 newState (newState_)
229 oldState = comp->getText();
232 bool perform()
234 showCorrectTab();
235 getComponent()->setText (newState, false);
236 changed();
237 return true;
240 bool undo()
242 showCorrectTab();
243 getComponent()->setText (oldState, false);
244 changed();
245 return true;
248 String newState, oldState;
252 //==============================================================================
253 class LabelEditableProperty : public ComponentChoiceProperty <Label>
255 public:
256 LabelEditableProperty (Label* component_,
257 JucerDocument& document_)
258 : ComponentChoiceProperty <Label> ("editing", component_, document_)
260 choices.add ("read-only");
261 choices.add ("edit on single-click");
262 choices.add ("edit on double-click");
265 void setIndex (int newIndex)
267 document.perform (new LabelEditableChangeAction (component, *document.getComponentLayout(), newIndex),
268 "Change Label editability");
271 int getIndex() const
273 return component->isEditableOnSingleClick()
275 : (component->isEditableOnDoubleClick() ? 2 : 0);
278 private:
279 class LabelEditableChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
281 public:
282 LabelEditableChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const int newState_)
283 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
284 newState (newState_)
286 oldState = comp->isEditableOnSingleClick()
288 : (comp->isEditableOnDoubleClick() ? 2 : 0);
291 bool perform()
293 showCorrectTab();
294 getComponent()->setEditable (newState == 1, newState >= 1, getComponent()->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges());
295 changed();
296 layout.getSelectedSet().changed();
297 return true;
300 bool undo()
302 showCorrectTab();
303 getComponent()->setEditable (oldState == 1, oldState >= 1, getComponent()->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges());
304 changed();
305 layout.getSelectedSet().changed();
306 return true;
309 int newState, oldState;
313 //==============================================================================
314 class LabelLossOfFocusProperty : public ComponentChoiceProperty <Label>
316 public:
317 LabelLossOfFocusProperty (Label* component_,
318 JucerDocument& document_)
319 : ComponentChoiceProperty <Label> ("focus", component_, document_)
321 choices.add ("loss of focus discards changes");
322 choices.add ("loss of focus commits changes");
325 void setIndex (int newIndex)
327 document.perform (new LabelFocusLossChangeAction (component, *document.getComponentLayout(), newIndex == 0),
328 "Change Label focus behaviour");
331 int getIndex() const
333 return component->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges() ? 0 : 1;
336 private:
337 class LabelFocusLossChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
339 public:
340 LabelFocusLossChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const bool newState_)
341 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
342 newState (newState_)
344 oldState = comp->doesLossOfFocusDiscardChanges();
347 bool perform()
349 showCorrectTab();
350 getComponent()->setEditable (getComponent()->isEditableOnSingleClick(),
351 getComponent()->isEditableOnDoubleClick(),
352 newState);
353 changed();
354 return true;
357 bool undo()
359 showCorrectTab();
360 getComponent()->setEditable (getComponent()->isEditableOnSingleClick(),
361 getComponent()->isEditableOnDoubleClick(),
362 oldState);
363 changed();
364 return true;
367 bool newState, oldState;
371 //==============================================================================
372 class LabelJustificationProperty : public JustificationProperty,
373 public ChangeListener
375 public:
376 LabelJustificationProperty (Label* const label_, JucerDocument& document_)
377 : JustificationProperty ("layout", false),
378 label (label_),
379 document (document_)
381 document.addChangeListener (this);
384 ~LabelJustificationProperty()
386 document.removeChangeListener (this);
389 void setJustification (const Justification& newJustification)
391 document.perform (new LabelJustifyChangeAction (label, *document.getComponentLayout(), newJustification),
392 "Change Label justification");
395 const Justification getJustification() const
397 return label->getJustificationType();
400 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { refresh(); }
402 private:
403 Label* const label;
404 JucerDocument& document;
406 class LabelJustifyChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
408 public:
409 LabelJustifyChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const Justification& newState_)
410 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
411 newState (newState_),
412 oldState (comp->getJustificationType())
416 bool perform()
418 showCorrectTab();
419 getComponent()->setJustificationType (newState);
420 changed();
421 return true;
424 bool undo()
426 showCorrectTab();
427 getComponent()->setJustificationType (oldState);
428 changed();
429 return true;
432 Justification newState, oldState;
436 //==============================================================================
437 class FontNameProperty : public FontPropertyComponent,
438 public ChangeListener
440 public:
441 FontNameProperty (Label* const label_,
442 JucerDocument& document_)
443 : FontPropertyComponent ("font"),
444 label (label_),
445 document (document_)
447 document.addChangeListener (this);
450 ~FontNameProperty()
452 document.removeChangeListener (this);
455 void setTypefaceName (const String& newFontName)
457 document.perform (new FontNameChangeAction (label, *document.getComponentLayout(), newFontName),
458 "Change Label typeface");
461 const String getTypefaceName() const
463 return label->getProperties().getWithDefault ("typefaceName", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont);
466 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { refresh(); }
468 private:
469 Label* const label;
470 JucerDocument& document;
472 class FontNameChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
474 public:
475 FontNameChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const String& newState_)
476 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
477 newState (newState_)
479 oldState = comp->getProperties().getWithDefault ("typefaceName", FontPropertyComponent::defaultFont);
482 bool perform()
484 showCorrectTab();
485 getComponent()->getProperties().set ("typefaceName", newState);
486 LabelHandler::updateLabelFont (getComponent());
487 changed();
488 return true;
491 bool undo()
493 showCorrectTab();
494 getComponent()->getProperties().set ("typefaceName", oldState);
495 LabelHandler::updateLabelFont (getComponent());
496 changed();
497 return true;
500 String newState, oldState;
504 //==============================================================================
505 class FontSizeProperty : public SliderPropertyComponent,
506 public ChangeListener
508 public:
509 FontSizeProperty (Label* const label_, JucerDocument& document_)
510 : SliderPropertyComponent ("size", 1.0, 250.0, 0.1, 0.3),
511 label (label_),
512 document (document_)
514 document.addChangeListener (this);
517 ~FontSizeProperty()
519 document.removeChangeListener (this);
522 void setValue (double newValue)
524 document.getUndoManager().undoCurrentTransactionOnly();
526 document.perform (new FontSizeChangeAction (label, *document.getComponentLayout(), (float) newValue),
527 "Change Label font size");
530 double getValue() const
532 return label->getFont().getHeight();
535 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { refresh(); }
537 private:
538 Label* const label;
539 JucerDocument& document;
541 class FontSizeChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
543 public:
544 FontSizeChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const float newState_)
545 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
546 newState (newState_)
548 oldState = comp->getFont().getHeight();
551 bool perform()
553 showCorrectTab();
554 Font f (getComponent()->getFont());
555 f.setHeight ((float) newState);
556 getComponent()->setFont (f);
557 changed();
558 return true;
561 bool undo()
563 showCorrectTab();
564 Font f (getComponent()->getFont());
565 f.setHeight ((float) oldState);
566 getComponent()->setFont (f);
567 changed();
568 return true;
571 float newState, oldState;
575 //==============================================================================
576 class FontStyleProperty : public ChoicePropertyComponent,
577 public ChangeListener
579 public:
580 FontStyleProperty (Label* const label_, JucerDocument& document_)
581 : ChoicePropertyComponent ("style"),
582 label (label_),
583 document (document_)
585 document.addChangeListener (this);
587 choices.add ("normal");
588 choices.add ("bold");
589 choices.add ("italic");
590 choices.add ("bold + italic");
593 ~FontStyleProperty()
595 document.removeChangeListener (this);
598 void setIndex (int newIndex)
600 Font f (label->getFont());
602 f.setBold (newIndex == 1 || newIndex == 3);
603 f.setItalic (newIndex == 2 || newIndex == 3);
605 document.perform (new FontStyleChangeAction (label, *document.getComponentLayout(), f),
606 "Change Label font style");
609 int getIndex() const
611 if (label->getFont().isBold() && label->getFont().isItalic())
612 return 3;
613 else if (label->getFont().isBold())
614 return 1;
615 else if (label->getFont().isItalic())
616 return 2;
618 return 0;
621 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { refresh(); }
623 private:
624 Label* const label;
625 JucerDocument& document;
627 class FontStyleChangeAction : public ComponentUndoableAction <Label>
629 public:
630 FontStyleChangeAction (Label* const comp, ComponentLayout& layout, const Font& newState_)
631 : ComponentUndoableAction <Label> (comp, layout),
632 newState (newState_)
634 oldState = comp->getFont();
637 bool perform()
639 showCorrectTab();
640 getComponent()->setFont (newState);
641 changed();
642 return true;
645 bool undo()
647 showCorrectTab();
648 getComponent()->setFont (oldState);
649 changed();
650 return true;
653 Font newState, oldState;